Suffolk County Painters Proudly serving Long Island.
Long Island Painters are a dime a dozen these days. So how do you differentiate between Painting Contractors or someone who Paints on the side? Finding the right Contractor is a difficult task. Here are two key factors when searching for Suffolk County painters.
Long Island Painters that you are interested in must have a Suffolk County Painters License. The Contractors must have Painters Insurance and or a Commercial Painting License. These are the things that separate the established Painting Contractors from fly by night House Painters. The Paint Pros have Painters Insurance, Suffolk County Painters Home Improvement License, as well as a Suffolk County Painters Commercial License.
The Paint Pros is located in Suffolk County Long Island. We are top Quality House Painters with the Motto "no job is too big nor too small". The Paint Pros is the third Generation of Contractors. From serving Brooklyn in 1945 to serving Suffolk County, Long Island today. We have completed thousands of top quality services.
In 1980 Paint Pros were one of the first Long Island Painters to use the mighty Pressure Washer . It proved to be a versatile tool in many exterior jobs. As Professional Long Island Painters we took many work methods of our previous mentors and utilized them. We also use new products and techniques of today.
Painting Contractors arent just tradesmen that just push a paintbrush. Our House Painters have the knowledge of the best products for each specific job at hand. The Paint Pros are Painting Contractors who perform all work with quality precision and always maintain a neat work environment.
Most of all the communication between the consumer and a the professional is an important key to a successful working relationship. We do this to achieve the proper accomplishments for the consumers needs. When you choose a Contractor you expect to see the person you hired present on the job... The owner of the Paint Pros is not only present on every job but is actually working as well as his employees.
Our Suffolk County Painters are trained extensively, learning from Professional Contractors. The Paint Pros promise quality interior and exterior work and Satisfaction Guaranteed!
The Service We Provided in New York for Three generations.
Full Service Home Improvement Contractors.
Licensed & Insured
Residential and Commercial Painting Services.
Interior Painting & Exterior Painting & Staining.
Affordable rates.
We communicate with you every step of the way.
Maintain a neat work environment.
Taking extreme care of your property & possessions.
Quality work completed in a timely fashion.
A materials guaranteed.
We provide customer satisfaction.
The Paint Pros aren't just House Painters. We offer much more than just Painting!
Home Improvements
Quality Interior Painting & Exterior Painting.
Wallpaper Removal.
Drywall Repair & Installation.
Color Decorating
Venetian Plastering
Faux Painting.
Molding Installation.
Hardwood Refinishing.
Power Washing.
Concrete Acid Stain.
Patio Block & Concrete Sealant.
Garage Floor Epoxy.
Driveway Sealant.
Stucco Repair & Installation
Handy man Work ( Tub & Tile caulking,minor Electrical ext.)
Call The Professional Painting Contractors Today for your Residential or Commercial needs!
The Paint Pros are Suffolk County Painters Proud to serve Long Island.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Keywords: Suffolk County Painters,Long Island Painters,Painting Contractors,Painters,Painting,Power Washing,Pressure Washing,Staining,Venetian Plaster,Molding Installation,Faux Painting,Hardwood Floor Refinishing
Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
The Paint Pros are The third Generation of Home Improvement Painting Contractors.
What is your primary product or service?
The Paint Pros aren't just House Painters. We offer much more than just Painting!
Residencial / Commercial
Home Improvements
Quality Interior Painting & Exterior Painting.
Wallpaper Removal.
Drywall Repair & Installation.
Color Decorating
Venetian Plastering
Faux Painting.
Molding Installation.
Hardwood Refinishing.
Power Washing.
Concrete Acid Stain.
Patio Block & Concrete Sealant.
Garage Floor Epoxy.
Driveway Sealant.
Stucco Repair & Installation
Handy man Work ( Tub & Tile caulking,minor Electrical ext.)
We use Benjamin Moore, Sherwin Williams, Cabot, Bona Polyurathane
How did you first become interested in your line of business? (if owner) - What is your background? (If owner or store manager)
As The owner I was introduced to the Home Improvement Industry by both My Grandfather and My Dad. Since I was 6 years old, I have been on Site Projects and it was exciting. Still to this day I feel the same excitement and enjoy the reactions of my Clients when their Project comes together. I will Continue my career in this wonderful and Exciting Industry.
How do you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your category and area?
Long Island Painters are a dime a dozen these days. So how do you differentiate between Painting Contractors or someone who Paints on the side? Finding the right Contractor is a difficult task. Here are two key factors when searching for Suffolk County painters.
Long Island Painters that you are interested in must have a Suffolk County Painters License. The Contractors must have Painters Insurance and or a Commercial Painting License. These are the things that separate the established Painting Contractors from fly by night House Painters. The Paint Pros have Painters Insurance, Suffolk County Painters Home Improvement License, as well as a Suffolk County Painters Commercial License.
What type of payments do you accept?
Cash,Checks,Invoice,Money orders. Credit Card method of payment coming soon :)
Which areas do you service?
We Service All Of Suffolk County Long Island, New York
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
Joe Ferrero owns and operates The Paint Pros each and every day.
What are your hours of operation?
7 Days a Week
What is your favorite quote or Bible verse?
"We give the best job for the best price all day long"