Jujitsu - Kokushiryu Jujutsu
Jujitsu is the Japanese art of attack and defense against an armed or unarmed opponent by grasping or striking so that the opponent's own strength and weight are used against him.
Modern Jujitsu combines both physical and mental education. Through the practice of Jujitsu, one learns skill, knowledge, and self-discipline while enjoying oneself. This develops a harmonious relationship between the physical and mental being, thus contributing to an individual's successful participation in society and his general education.
Jujitsu is the mother of martial arts; the student learns all techniques: throwing, holding, the taking of joints, choking, striking, thrusting, blocking, kicking and forms, including how to defend yourself from muggers.
Our Self Defense School, which is located in Holbrook NY, follows the Kokushiryu Jujitsu style, which was founded by Professor Nobuyoshi Higashi based in the old Samurai tradition. Through this style students will learn many self defense techniques. For example: how to escape from holds, throwing, choking, striking, kicking, punching, blocking, forms (Katas) and more.
Keywords: Jujitsu - Martial Arts - Jujutsu - Selfdefense - Karate - judo